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When Can You Drink Carbonated Drinks After Tooth Extraction?

Imagine this:  you've just had a tooth extraction, and you're eager to get back to your normal routine. But before you crack open that can of your favorite carbonated drink,...

Imagine this: 

you've just had a tooth extraction, and you're eager to get back to your normal routine. But before you crack open that can of your favorite carbonated drink, you pause and wonder, 

"When can I drink carbonated drinks after tooth extraction?" 

It's a common question that many people have, and today, we're going to delve into the answer.

In this blog, we can provide some general guidelines to help you understand when it's safe to indulge in those fizzy beverages again.

KIWIBIRD rechargeable water flosser is highly recommended for maintaining optimal oral hygiene after a tooth extraction. 

How Long After Tooth Extraction Can I Drink Carbonated Drinks?

In general, it's recommended to avoid carbonated drinks for at least 24 to 48 hours after a tooth extraction.

After a tooth extraction, it's crucial to give your mouth time to heal properly. Carbonated drinks, with their bubbles and fizz, can potentially disrupt the healing process if consumed too soon.

This timeframe allows the blood clot to form and stabilize in the empty tooth socket, a crucial step in the healing process. 

Drinking carbonated beverages too soon may dislodge the blood clot, leading to complications such as dry socket.

KIWIBIRD black electric toothbrush helps to remove plaque and debris from the teeth and gums, reducing the risk of infection or complications after an extraction.

Why Can't You Have Carbonated Drinks After Dental Work?

The main reason is the carbonation itself.

When you drink a carbonated beverage, the carbon dioxide gas is released as bubbles. These bubbles create pressure in your mouth, and if you recently had a tooth extraction, that pressure can pose a risk to the healing process.

The force created by the carbonation bubbles can dislodge the blood clot that forms in the tooth socket after extraction. This blood clot acts as a protective barrier, helping to prevent infection and promote healing. If the blood clot is disrupted or dislodged, it can lead to a condition called dry socket.

Dry socket occurs when the blood clot is prematurely lost, exposing the sensitive nerves and bone in the socket. 

This condition is not only painful but also delays the healing process and may require additional treatment from your dentist or oral surgeon.

By combining regular brushing with KIWIBIRD white electric toothbrush and limiting the consumption of carbonated drinks, you can promote a healthier smile.

Do Carbonated Drinks Cause Dry Socket?

While carbonated drinks don't directly cause dry socket, they can increase the risk of developing this painful condition. 

As mentioned earlier, the force created by the bubbles can dislodge the blood clot. Other factors, such as smoking, using a straw, or spitting forcefully, can also contribute to dry socket.

It's important to note that not everyone who drinks carbonated beverages after a tooth extraction will develop dry socket. 

However, to minimize the risk, it's best to avoid carbonated drinks for the recommended healing period and follow any specific instructions provided by your dentist or oral surgeon.

Using KIWIBIRD pink electric toothbrush can also be beneficial in preventing dry socket. 

When Can I Stop Worrying About Dry Sockets?

As with any dental procedure, it's natural to worry about potential complications like dry socket. 

The good news is that the risk of dry socket significantly decreases as time passes and the healing process progresses.

Most cases of dry socket occur within the first few days after a tooth extraction, typically within the first 3 to 5 days. By the end of the first week, the chances of developing dry socket are significantly reduced.

In the meantime, to aid in the healing process and minimize the risk of dry socket, it's crucial to follow post-extraction care instructions diligently. This includes avoiding carbonated drinks, smoking, using straws, and spitting forcefully during the recommended healing period.

Using KIWIBIRD green electric toothbrush can help reduce the risk of developing dry sockets after a tooth extraction. 


While carbonated drinks may be tempting, it's important to exercise caution and prioritize your oral health after a tooth extraction. 

By following the general guidelines of waiting at least 24 to 48 hours before consuming carbonated beverages, you can help ensure a smooth and successful healing process.

By using a gentle stream of water, KIWIBIRD portable oral irrigator provides a thorough and comfortable cleaning experience.


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